
Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Working At Home

Hi everyone welcome back to my blog,

I'll be telling you what I have done for my blog post for  "Working At Home" work. What I of been doing for my working at home blog post is make a DLO about a a well known New Zealander and put some information about him in that blog post

This is my one

That's all goodbye 

Monday, 30 March 2020

My Movie Night

Hi everyone welcome back to my blog,

I'll be telling you  about my movie night that I had with my brother and my sister. The movie that I watch was Jumanji 2 also know as Jumanji next level. The movie was very funny  the movie lasted for 2Hrs. The type of movie Jumanji was is adventure,comedy and Acton. If you can  you should watch it.

Here's a picture of Jumanji next level
 Jumanji: The Next Level of Marketing - Katie Stanley - Medium
That's all goodbye

Friday, 27 March 2020

Working At Home

Hi everyone welcome back to my blog,

I'll be telling you what I have done for my blog post for  "Working At Home" work. What am going to do for my second "Working At Home" blog post. What am going to do is find a animal that I what to research about. Then I need to make a DLO and put all of my research in that DLO. What am going to research about is the dolphins.

This is my one

That's all goodbye

Wednesday, 25 March 2020

Working At Home

Hi everyone welcome back to my blog,

I'll will be telling you what I have been doing for "working a home" work. What I did for today was make a DLO  that includes 3 of my own emoji maths problem.

This is my one


That is all goodbye!

Monday, 16 March 2020

Hur3-Writing And Science

Hi everyone welcome back to my blog,

I'm going to tell you some different types of sentences we have learned form Hur3-writing. We have learnt adverb start, w-start, very short sentence and more. I'll be talking about the adverb start sentences first. A adverb start sentences is a sentences that start with a verb. I'll give you two examples:

1.Nervously I waited for a week to see how the beef jerky was doing.

2.Happy I waited for a week to eat some beef jerky.

The second type of sentences I'll call you is w-start. W-start sentences is a sentences that start with a word that start with a w. I'll give you two examples

When I taked a bite out of the beef jerky, I almost throw up.

When I touch the beef jerky, It feel so dry.   

The third one is the very short sentences. I'll give you an example

When i take a bite yuck.

Practice Procedural Writing

Hi everyone welcome back to my blog,

I have been learning to write practice procedural writing. There are 4 things that you need to make a practice procedural writing. You need a title, materials, ingredients, steps and a conclusion.

This is  my one 

How to make weetbix
What materials you need:
Weet bix

The ingredients you need are:
A cup of milk
1-2 weetbix

  1. Put the milk in the bowl 
  2. Put some weetBix in the bowl
  3. Get your spoon and start eating

You should not take your time because the weetbix will get soggy. 

Thursday, 12 March 2020

History Of Te Tiriti O Waitangi

Hi everyone welcome back to my blog,

I am going to share what we have been doing for hur1 in high school. We have been learning about Te Tiriti o Waitangi/Treaty of Waitangi. I'll be telling you some facts about the treaty of Waitangi. But first I'll be telling you some facts. In the late 1800's the population of the maori was 100,000-120,000. But in 1830's the population of Maori was 80.000-70.000. The main two reasons for the drop in populations was wars and disease most of the disease come from the British. That's all of the side facts am going to share with you. In 6 of February 1840's the treaty was signed but there was a problem with the treaty the Maori and the British treaty was different. The big difference was the British on said that they would have NZ all for them self's. But the Maori's one said that NZ was lead by the Maoris.

That is all the facts am going to share I'll give you a photo of the Treaty of Waitangi.

  Image result for Treaty of Waitangi