Am going to share what we have been doing for hur3. What we did for hur3 is making water out of hydrochloric acid. After we did it we needed to share it on our blog.
This is my one
making water with hydrochloric acid.
I think that it makes a little explosion sound and makes a bit of water.
a magnesium, test tube. boiling tube, bicker hydrochloric acid and burner
first put one magnesium in the test tube then put 4th of a test tube of hydrochloric acid in the test tube then put a boiling tube over the test tube and wait a bit then take the boiling tube off but don’t put it right up then put it over the burner. Then wait for it to make a little explosion sound then there will be some water.
When we did it it made a little explosion and there was a bit of water.
That's all bye